What is the best lawn fertilizer today?

What is the best lawn fertilizer

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The lawn is an ornament of your house. If your lawn doesn’t seem good, you won’t like to stay there. A rough and bald lawn is unpleasant for anyone. To keep your lawn greener, you need to take care of it. You need to water your lawn, cut the grasses and apply fertilizer. A lawn fertilizer is a bit different from other fertilizers. They make your grass more beautiful. To make your lawn and yard more beautiful, you need to know what is the best lawn fertilizer for your lawn and how to use that. The best lawn fertilizer is the best friend for your lawn. Let’s discuss the best lawn fertilizer in 2017.

What is lawn fertilizer?


Lawn fertilizers are used to enhance the beauty of your lawn and keep your grasses green. If your grasses turn brown, lifeless, it will make your house ugly too. Lawn fertilizers are not like other fertilizers. We use them to keep our soil and lawn healthy and alive, not to increase production.

Whom to is especially for?

  • House owner: If you have a lovely house and you want to make it attractive to the viewers, at first you need to take care of your lawn. A beautiful lawn can make a good impression before entering the house.
  • Gardener: If you like to make your garden beautiful and only take care of your plants, that won’t be much beneficial. Beautiful ornamental plants with dead brown grass is not a beauty.
  • Care-taker: If you are in charge of taking care of the exterior of any institution, the lawn is the best place of your work. A lovely lawn can make clients interested and positive about your office.
  • Resort manager: People come to resorts for enjoyment. If the outdoor is not good, they won’t feel interested. A green, fresh, soft lawn can give comfort to anyone.
  • Green lovers: If you love green, then grasses are your favorite. To protect green, we need to take care of grasses as well as trees and plants.

Ingredients of a lawn fertilizer

  • Nitrogen: Nitrogen makes the grass greener. It helps grasses to be soft and beautiful. Nitrogen also helps the grass to breathe.
  • Phosphorus: All fertilizer doesn’t contain phosphorus. Phosphorus helps to grow new grass. But too much phosphorus is harmful to the soil. So, you need to check before using phosphorus rich fertilizer.
  • Sulfur: Without sulfur, grasses get brown and die eventually. It also causes dieback. It makes grasses rough. Most of the fertilizer is sulfur rich.
  • Potassium: potassium helps grasses to grow rapidly. It also makes grass soft.
  • Iron: Iron gives a dark green shade to grass and strengthens the root. But in contact with concrete, it can create a stain. So, you need to be careful.

Properties of a good lawn fertilizer

When you want to know what is the best lawn fertilizer, apparently, you’ve come to know some of its special properties. Let’s see

  • Easy to use: A good lawn fertilizer is usable for all. It must not have much complexity in mixing and using. For example, you can use a good fertilizer with a normal sprayer. You won’t need a sprayer too much complex or only used for only that fertilizer. You might spray it with a regular hose.
  • Makes your grass healthy: All lawn fertilizer contains nutrients good for grass. But a good one contains all the major elements in the proper ratio. This keeps your grass healthy, green and soft. Healthy grasses give you a better view and comfort. Also, soft green grass makes your walk on grass a wanted leisure.
  • Must not harm users: As you use fertilizer by yourself, it can come in contact with your skin anytime. So, the fertilizer must not be harmful to your skin, otherwise, you might be a victim of skin disease. So, good fertilizers should not contain too much chemical. If the fertilizer comes close to any sensitive organ like the eye, there should be a proper way to wash.
  • Shouldn’t pollute environment: A good lawn fertilizer is also environment-friendly. As it is to keep the soil and grass healthy, it should take care of other environmental elements like water, air etc. so, it shouldn’t have a bad odor or too much chemical. Chemicals mix with water and make the water polluted.
  • Mustn’t harm the soil: If a lawn fertilizer can’t keep the soil alive and moisture, the soil won’t be able to keep the grasses green for a long time. So, a good lawn fertilizer needs to take care of the soil as well as grasses.
  • Stays good for a long time: If the fertilizer becomes unusable within one or two years, many people won’t be able to use the full packet of fertilizer. So, most of them will be wasted, which is not expected.

How we select what is the best lawn fertilizer

  • Read the manual attentively: Most of the people don’t read the manual. But in the manual, you will get most of the information you need. So, if you look for any special quality, you must read the manual attentively.
  • Listen to others recommendation: Before buying your good, listen to others who have already used this kind of product. From this you’ll get an idea about which kind of fertilizer is best for your lawn.
  • Check the ingredients: Check the ingredient list, so you’ll know if there is what you need.
  • Check the price: Also, check if the price is suitable. Always high price doesn’t indicate high quality. Moreover, you need to decide if you are going to buy that for your lawn or not.
  • Look for branded product: don’t buy non-branded products. Because they won’t be able to assure you if the product is good or not. Also, you won’t be able to blame anyone if that doesn’t work.

 Comparison table differentiating 5 best lawn fertilizers 

Miracle- Gro Water Soluble Lawn Food
Scotts Turf Builder
Safer 9333 Ringer
Garden Pearls Gypsum
Green View Fall Lawn Food
Easy to measure out.Works on all types of grass.Good for high traffic yard.Helps normalize PH levelsClears up brown patches quickly.
More effective than othersEasy to spread evenly.Works well in gardens too.Works well on flower beds too.Can cause yellowing.
Covers 4000 square feet of lawn.Utilize the nutrients properly.Gives plenty of fuel to your grass.Not harmful for pets.Work within a very short time.

What is the specialty of the best lawn fertilizer today?

If you want to know what is the best lawn fertilizer in 2017, then according to our overall verdict, we recommend Miracle-Gro Water Soluble Lawn Food. Why? Let’s discuss.

  • User-friendly: Miracle-Gro Water Soluble Lawn Food is the best food for your grass. Also, you can use it very easily. you don’t need any special machine or sprayer to mix or spray. Even you can use your regular hose to spray it.
  • Works very effectively: Till now, there is no record of failure of Miracle- Gro. It works all the time and makes your lawn and outdoor more eye soothing.
  • Good for your grass: Miracle- Gro meets all needs of your grass and makes them lovely. It keeps your soil and grass fresh and beautiful. So, when the question is about the thatch of your grass, you can rely on Miracle- Gro without hesitation.
  • Not expensive: The price of Miracle- Gro Water is not too much. Anyone can afford it to make his lawn more alive. The price is nearly to your budget. Which is very affordable for anyone?
  • Works right away: It doesn’t take much time to take action after applying. Even after applying the fertilizer for the first time on your lawn, you’ll see the significant difference within one or two weeks.
  • Not heavy to carry: The total weight of one packet of Miracle- Gro is 5 pounds, which anyone can carry if he is not too weak. The shipping weight is 5.5 pound. So, if you order this from abroad, it won’t be much heavy. Maybe you won’t even notice the extra load.
  • Works always: You can apply Miracle- Gro at any season. It doesn’t have any choice of weather. It works in all weather and all season. But if you want the best result, it would be wise if you use it in spring.
  • Not harmful for kids: Kids have more sensitive skin than adults and they go wherever they want. So, if you want to use fertilizer in a house where kids live, you should be careful. Miracle- Gro is very harmless for kids and pets. So, you can use it without fear.


Now you know what is the best lawn fertilizer of 2017 and why, what is special with that, why you need to use that. A lovely lawn is comfortable for all. A healthy lawn is a joy to sink bare feet into.  Miracle-Gro Water Soluble Lawn Food can make your lawn like a green thick carpet. To make your lawn like a landscape, use your fertilizer properly. This might make your home lovelier. You might like to call an outdoor party with such a comfy lawn. Hope this article was useful for you. Make your lawn gorgeous. Good luck.

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